Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rose's Turn & Bargaining

Hey everybody!

I know, it's been awhile, but finally, here is the full scores for episodes 5.20 and 5.21!

5.20 - Rose's Turn

5.21 - Bargaining

If you don't know yet, you need WinRAR to open these files. I've gotten some e-mails saying they can't open the files, so you need to download WinRAR and extract the files.

That's all for now!



Anonymous said...

thanks a lottttt men, i love all this song !!!

Anonymous said...

BeautifuL.... thanks a lot, these do sound great! Love the new version of remember!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Great job on your work!
I have a question can you rip the entire score from BANG episode 3.07 as well as the 4.01 intro where Carlos finds Edie! Thanks!